

PicInch Gallery provides a simple way for a group of members, such as a photography club, to display their photographs.


Installation and Setup

Docker Repository

View the Project on GitHub inchworks/picinch

Step 5: Customise your website

Add files in /srv/picinch/site/ to customise your installation. You must restart the service for changes to take effect.


Files in templates/ define Go templates to specify static content for your site. Files with the names *.partial.tmpl override application templates. Typically a single site.partial.tmpl file is sufficient. See Template Example .

The following templates are intended to be redefined, and you will probably want to change at least banner, homePage and website:

banner Banner text on each page.

copyrightNotice Copyright statement for the Copyright and Privacy page.

dataPrivacyNotice Data privacy statement for the Copyright and Privacy page.

favicons Favicon links and meta tags. There is no need to redefine this if you use the same names as the default set.

homePage Site description shown on the home page.

homePageMeta Metadata for the home page. See Search Engine Settings.

signupPage Welcome text on the signup page.

website Website name, added to page titles and shown on log-in page.


Files in images/ replace the default brand and favicon images for PicInch.

brand.png is the image shown on the site’s navbar. It should be 124px high. The width isn’t critical ; as a guide the default image is 558px wide.

realfavicongenerator.net was used to generate the default set of favicon files. If you want your own set, take care to generate all of these:

The following may be left unchanged (although realfavicongenerator.net will make them for you):

You may also add add additional images you wish to include in customised templates to /images. They will be served as static/images/*. These files are intended to be unchanging; dynamic content should go in /srv/picinch/misc.

Additional Content

You may also add static pages with templates/info-*.page.tmpl files, and specify common page layouts with *.layout.tmpl files. Use info-notices.page.tmpl and gallery.layout.tmpl as examples. Static pages are accessed by path info/* with the same name as the page template.

Use static/css and static/js to hold any additional stylesheets and scripts needed by your pages. These are not included automatically; you will need to reference them as needed in your template files.

Note that additional templates and files should have different names to those used in the PicInch code, unless you intend to override the corresponding parts of PicInch.

Configuration Parameters

The essential items are shown in docker-compose.yml. See configuration.yml for the full set of options.