

PicInch Gallery provides a simple way for a group of members, such as a photography club, to display their photographs.


Installation and Setup


Docker Repository

View the Project on GitHub inchworks/picinch


Essentials on Setup

  1. Set the website name: Admin > Website.

  2. Set a description for the website: Admin > Pages : Home Page -> Metadata.

  3. Add members who need to create slideshows: Admin > Users.


Add users with Admin > Users. Specify a name for each user, which will be visible on the website and can be changed by the user on sign-up. Also specify a unique identity that the user will know on sign-up, such as their email address.

Each user has a role. A member can add slideshows and view club slideshows as well as public ones. A friend can view club slideshows but not add slideshows. A curator can create topics, edit slideshows on behalf of members, edit information pages and edit diary events. An admin has full control of the website, including adding users and adding information pages.

Each user also has a current status. known shows a user that has been added, but who has not yet set a password to sign-up. active indicates that a user has set a password and can login. suspended blocks a user from login but preserves their slideshows. Typically it is used for users who have left the club but might rejoin in the near term.

When a user forgets their password, set their status back to known so that they can sign-up again. Their slideshows are preserved. (PicInch uses secure hashing of passwords, so they are not available to the adminstrator.)

Additional Content

As administrator you can add additional information pages and menu items with Admin > Pages. Specify the menu path for a page as name for a top-level menu item or name.sub for a dropdown menu item. A leading “.”, i.e. .name specifies a page without a menu item. Pages are accessed by https://<your-domain/info/name or /info/name.sub.

Similarly, diaries can be added with Admin > Diaries. Typically just one diary is sufficient. By default the next upcoming event in each diary is shown automatically on the home page. Diaries are accessed by https://<your-domain/diary/name or /diary/name.sub.

An administrator or a user with curator role can edit the content for information pages and diaries with Curator > Information. Markdown is supported for the sections of an information page and the introduction section of a diary page.

You can also add static pages using templates. These take more effort to understand and change, but give full control over page layouts. See Customisation.

Page Metadata

Web pages need a title, to be shown in browser tabs, and search engine results. By default the title of each web page is the same as its heading, but you can change the title with Admin > Pages -> Metadata. Typically this is done when a shorter title is needed.

Information and diary pages that are to appear in search engine results should have a description. Set the description with Admin > Pages -> Metadata and Admin > Diaries -> Metadata. Alternatively you can request that a page should not be indexed by search engines by setting the Block search indexing checkbox.

Change of Administrator

If the admin password is lost, add a username and a password for a new administrator in docker-compose.yml and restart the server. You can then log in and reset the old administrator’s status to known, to keep their photos and allow them to sign-up with a new password. Or you can delete the old administrator.

Remember to remove the password from docker-compose.yml, especially if it might be reused elsewhere.